Introducing: The Very Important! Podcast | Episode 1: Wachowski Starship

The Very Important! Podcast | Episode 1: Wachowski Starship
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For those of you familiar with our "The Very Important Dudes & Dudettes in Film History Show" video series (hosted by Matthew Price of the MAMO podcast) you'll be pleased to hear that MAMO & have teamed up to bring you a more in-depth discussion about our favourite filmmakers every month, straight to your ear-holes!

In this first episode (hosted by MAMO's other Matt, Matt Brown), Matthew Price, Mike Cameron and's Kurt Halfyard discuss the very importance of the Wachowski siblings, the talented visualists behind such films as The Matrix and most recently Cloud Atlas. Listen right now, and stay tuned for details on how to subscribe to this thing in iTunes!

Introducing: The Very Important! Podcast | Episode 1: Wachowski Starship |

Presenting, in partnership with MAMO, a new podcast based on The VIDADIFH Show!

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